Scilla’s Mighty Heart: Planning for Peace

Documentary Film Contributor Fundraiser
Mighty Hearts Unite on a documentary film project focused on Dr. Scilla Elworthy’s life-long work in peace and conflict transformation that when completed will be a service to humanity.

Skills you need to change your world, how to apply them, and the kind of future there could be.

- Dr. Scilla Elworthy

A film with a vision for peace.

The process of peace and conflict prevention is under financed and under visioned. Peace needs a vision with proven methods. This film will inform, educate and inspire impact with real stories of those who have been brave enough to make a stand for peace as well as the importance of women in the peace process.


Contribute to the Vision

A project contribution will offer you an opportunity to help make this life-long work and clear vision come to life for a mass global audience.

All contributions are welcome!

With a minimum contribution of €350: you will get access to the Mighty Heart Introduction Course for yourself or to gift to someone.

mighty heart course

With a contribution of €600+ you will also receive a “Contributor’s Credit” on the film.

  • bulletShare the vision with a mass global audience
  • bulletReceive “Contributor’s Credit” on the film
  • bulletAccess to the Mighty Heart Introduction Course

Phase 1 - €60,000


Film Scilla for 4 days in the Peace One Day Studio with high-quality equipment and a production team.

Content Foundation

This film shoot will create content for various peace-building projects and a biography documentary.

Scilla's Vision

Led by Scilla, using her personal experience and resources from The Business Plan for Peace, Plan for Peace, and The Mighty Heart.

Creative Support

Committed support from Jeremy Gilley, an award-winning filmmaker, and Deeyah Khan, an award-winning documentary filmmaker.

Phase 2 - €350,000

Additional Expenses

Covers resource interviews, travel, post-production

Film Completion

Needed to finalize a planned one-hour film


This primarily includes film festival marketing.

Donate to stop the cycle of violence and share a vision of peace together.

In today's world of polarization and conflict we need an antidote to all of the violence and war.

We believe that sharing Scilla’s work and distilled life’s wisdom is a powerful countermeasure that has the potential to create great waves of potential peace.

Film Chapters Breakdown

Each chapter of the documentary is narrated by Scilla and will cover moments and messages that address the heart-breaking question many ask:

“Is Peace Really Possible?”

Scilla shares her wisdom and practical skills she has experienced to be vital to change our world, how to apply them and envision the kind of future there could be. Scilla helps the viewer explore how one can use their own mighty heart to have positive impact with personal skills and gifts paired with what breaks one’s heart as productive fuel for good.

scillas vision

A 3x Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

Scilla and Dosmund Tutu

Dr. Scilla interviewing Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Scilla’s Key life experiences

Key life experiences Scilla will reference from her own personal journey:

  • bulletWitnessing events of conflict at a young age sparked an awareness and desire to be a peace builder and strive for justice for all. With the help of her mother, Scilla as a teen began a journey of experiences and education through many types of service including servicing holocaust survivors and working in refugee camps in France and Algiers.
  • bulletAssisted Sir Richard Branson and Peter Gabriel with the formation of The Elders in 2008 led by global influencers including former president of South Africa Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former US President Jimmy Carter, former president of Ireland Mary Robinson, and former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan.
  • bulletNominated for Nobel Peace Prize 3 times (1988-1991) and other key acknowledgements, she continued her efforts with being awarded a PhD in political science, Department of Peace Studies, Bradford University in 1993. 
  • bulletTraveled to the United Nations (and beyond) working with world leaders, challenging them along the way to understand the urgency for peace and the need for nuclear disarmament. In 2001 she established Peace Direct to support those working non-violently in conflict areas (Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo) to prevent or resolve conflict.
  • bulletIn 1982 established the Oxford Research Group, and for 23 years built up an international reputation for rigorous research into key global security issues (mainly WMD) and effective dialogue with government, the military and civil society. 
  • bulletIn current times, Scilla reveals why it is critical like never before to include women in the peace negotiation process to break the cycle of violence that happens at all levels of society. Scilla is currently assisting efforts with women of Ukraine and Russia.
Scilla and Dosmund Tutu

Dr. Scilla Elworthy has lived a lifetime of being on the front lines of conflict transformation and inspiring action. Conflict transformation goes beyond resolution; it involves addressing the root causes of conflict and creating positive, lasting change. It involves investigating and continuing to explore sustainable solutions that promote long-term harmony and peace.

mighty heart course

Your biggest asset is your heart.

Visit Planetir’s Mighty Heart Course page, and learn more on how to use your heart to thrive.


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